

I hope this blog will be a direct insight to my travels. Learning curves, hopefully, not mountains. People, emotions and cultures. The really important elements of life.

Saturday 27 February 2010

Leaving here in the morning

Yesterday was spent making arrangements for the next few days, buying some linen from the market to have made up in Hoi An and having measurements taken for the two outfits I am having made here. Oh and of course I also had a foot treatment ,pedicure and manicure! All together a very nice day.

Today we went on a tour to the Mekong Delta, it was fantastic. I think the best tour I have ever done! We .....sorry my attention was diverted by a tiny gecko by my foot no more than an inch long, I am in the reception of the hotel, we moved here yesterday from the original one that I booked from the UK, that one was 11 USD each per night which at the time of booking I felt was a good price but this one is 12 USD for the room, so much cheaper when we split it. Anyway we began our day with fruit shake as they call it, which is pure crushed fruit made in front of you, followed by a large roll and several bananas which are only approx 3 inches long and green but very sweet. The later was purchased from an elderly lady who always stands on the same corner cooking sausage, eggs etc to put in the rolls, she charged 7000 VND (when 10,000 VND is 35 pence the cost of living here is wonderfully cheap). We had an hour and a half on the coach before arriving at the Delta region which primarily is an area where varying rivers meet, The Mekong being the largest, it is so big in parts you are unable to see the sides. Then we boarded a boat. The first area we went to was the floating market where each boat 'flies' an example of the product it is selling on the top of a bamboo pole. Amazing!

We visited a place where they keep bees and make Royal Jelly also making coconut candy which is delicious. We drank a tea made with a little honey followed by a squeeze of the juice from kumquats with weak tea poured on the top, it was very nice!
Soon after we were at another place where they make the most amazing coconut candy using only malt and coconut, of course we saw all these being made and took loads of photos, the candy is like a toffee.........lovely! We then saw rice krispies being made and saw how they cook the rice until it pops, mix with malt and make it into slabs to eat.

We transfered to a boat just as is seen on the Vietnamese art, a small boat with only four seats with a person, normally a lady, standing at the end holding the end of the 'oars' which are connected to a support which then enters the water. Fantastic and now I fully understand why they wear the hats, they not only protect your face and head from the extremely hot sun but also throw a shade to your lower body. It was great to be on those boats and so peaceful. We stopped for lunch and returned to the larger boat before walking through a wholesale market towards the waiting coach. On the way back again the guide was chatting to us and some thing he said really made me sad. He was talking about and pointing out, various structures that had been financed by various countries after the war finished. He turned around to face us, us of all different nationalities and said 'I thank you all on behalf of all us Vietnamese' it was quite touching.

Well now for some dinner I am starving!

Speak soon.........perhaps from the beach tomorrow.


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