

I hope this blog will be a direct insight to my travels. Learning curves, hopefully, not mountains. People, emotions and cultures. The really important elements of life.

Thursday 4 March 2010

The last post

Well from here in Hoi An. This morning we have had a lovely breakfast as we were both hungry following another problem meal last night!~ This time we had gone to the Retreat which is considered to be both reliable and trendy. We had a drink and ordered a starter, the first time we had considered two courses; the day before had been such a complete failure with lunch being inedible 'chicken saled bagette (sent back immediately when it was obvious the 'meat' was not chicken) but perhaps dog/cat/rat god knows suffice to say it was very dark in colour extremely fatty and dry, dinner that evening had also been sent back as the fish baked in banana leaf with..........arrived as a very red/brown item with the texture of meat not fish and again very dry; our gorgeous spring rolls and Marie had salad were served which we thoroughly enjoyed ( I will never eat them in the UK again) thinking we would order our main course after a little break and thereby beat them with their constant rush to pile all the food you order on the table at the same time we sat back to enjoy our Dalat wine. A little while later we decided on our main course and were told the chef had now gone home! So they got us in the end and we were again left hungry!

I have told you of the trouser suit saga havn't I? Well it has been going on and on since the day we arrived here, firstly with a lack of material, then the jacket being completely baggy, no lining in the trousers etc , anyway today had to be d day as I leave later so this morning at 8.30 we strolled towards the shop. It felt like I was walking to my end I really was not looking forward to the visit at all, however it was acceptable and I have now packed it, So I learn a lesson.

Yesterday we went for the boat trip with the 77yrs old lady rowing away at the front and the daughter at the other end. It was very enjoyable. Here there are many disabled people in wheelchair bicycles they sell newspapers, seems to be their only path of survival. Afterwards we took a walk over to the island and found a jeweller who makes all his own pieces, mostly silver and spent another fortune! Lovely guy, well they all are if you are spending money, but he has a website and does ship to the UK so sort out all those Tiffany designs and he will make them for you!

I found out about another charity helping children, this one is apparently based in HCMC, I would really like to spend more time in this country, watch this space!

So that is about it! I have met so many lovely people, like the youngster who escorted us through the darkness after our failed meal last night, we came out of the resturant to find most of the town in darkness, nobody knew why, nobody seems to question. I have seen so many facinating faces, some tired, some sad, some happy but mostly, here in Vietnam, faces of emotion, experience and knowledge. Here they are people who are forced to live in what has very recently become a tourist area, in the knowledge that without the foreign revenue they have too little, but with it they have little privacy.


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