

I hope this blog will be a direct insight to my travels. Learning curves, hopefully, not mountains. People, emotions and cultures. The really important elements of life.

Monday 1 November 2010

1st November 2010

Hello We have arrived back in Jaisalmer from our night in the desert. When we first arrived here two days ago it had been raining ( rain they had not had in the past four years apart from monsoon time) and it was muddy and dirty, we had a look round and were not impressed but that evening our driver Geto showed us the large part of the town which we had not seen and actually it is quite nice, well I use the word 'nice' loosely as all India so far is very dirty with cow pooh all over the streets and rubbish that is lazily swept into piles for the cattle to munch through!
So yesterday at three we left for the desert, with only our valuables and water. I rode the camel from the base camp (where the cars are left) to the base in the sand, which of course is just anywhere you fancy cos it all looks the same! We watched the sun go down which I have to say was not a particularly spectacular event and then rode the camel back to have dinner and music before once again leaving, this time on a camel cart, to the sand dunes for the night.
Well my bottom is so sore from riding that camel I can't tell you.....I had to put cream on.
So we had table type bases with padding on the top and a blanket over us, which at least meant we did not need to worry about the bugs, of which there are many. Marie had blocked her ears with cotton wool so nothing could crawl in whilst she was asleep! We watch the fantastic stars until getting a little sleep, waking up wanting the toilet and having to walk in the dark to the nearest bush, creeping back freezing cold to the makeshift bed for another couple of very uncomfortable hours. The camels around us were sleeping then groaning then making rude noises with their bottoms all night!
It was though, a great experience and I am so glad I did it. I am looking forward to a good nights sleep tonight as we are back in the same good hotel as our first night here.
So tomorrow we go to Bikaner by car that will be our last night on this tour of Rajesthan and when we say goodbye to Geto our driver.
Love you all

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